Inconel 718 (Alloy 718, UNS N07718) Powder is on sale at Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM). Equipped with rich experience and knowledge in the metals industry, SAM is a global manufacturer of high-quality Inconel 718 Powder.
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Inconel 718 (Alloy 718, UNS N07718) Powder is on sale at Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM). Equipped with rich experience and knowledge in the metals industry, SAM is a global manufacturer of high-quality Inconel 718 Powder.
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Inconel 718 (Alloy 718, UNS N07718) is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickel chromium material used at -423° to 1300°F. This age-hardenable alloy can be readily fabricated, even into complex parts. Its welding characteristics, especially its resistance to post-weld cracking, are outstanding.
Good fabricability combined with tensile, fatigue, creep, and rupture strength at temperatures from cryogenic to over 1000°F has led to its application in various forms. Examples of these are liquid-fueled rocket components, rings and casings, and various formed sheet metal parts for aircraft and land-based gas turbine engines and cryogenic tankage.
Additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3D printing, also relies on the usage of Inconel 718 Powder.
Product Name |
Inconel 718 powder |
Alloy Grade |
Inconel 718 |
Related Grades |
Nickel Alloy In718, CL100NB, B50TF202, B50A917 |
Composition |
Cr 17-21 Mo 2.8-3.3 Mn 0.35 max |
Size Grades |
-105+45micron -53+15micron |
B537, B670 |
AMS Specification |
5832, 5596 |
Inconel 718 Powder plays an important role in additive manufacturing processes, better known as 3D printing. IN718 was first designed and introduced in the 1960s to overcome the poor weldability of superalloys. These days, IN718 is used intensively in gas turbines and aero engines for discs and frames. Due to the excellent weldability of IN718 and the similarity of the AM and welding processes, IN718 has been widely applied in metallic AM fields to understand the fundamentals of the AM processes.
Dunyong Deng: Additively Manufactured Inconel 718: Microstructures and Mechanical Properties. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1177201/FULLTEXT02.pdf